Prime Minister Narendra Modi Thursday launched a nation-wide Fit India Movement on National Sports Day. Stressing on the need to be fit, PM Modi said that a healthy India is his goal and called for strict control on people's lifestyles. He also emphasized on the importance of fitness, especially in the times we live in and added that people must change their mindsets when it comes to physical fitness. The inaugural event was held at Indira Gandhi Stadium Complex in New Delhi, where the PM administered a fitness pledge to the people of the country. Fit India Movement is aimed at encouraging people to give priority to sports and fitness in their day-to-day lives.
In his call to celebrate National Sports Day on August 29 with enthusiasm, PM Modi, during his Mann Ki Baat address on August 25, urged people to visit iconic places and travel places related to nature and wildlife.
Fitness has always been an integral part of our culture. But, there is indifference towards fitness issues now. A few decades back, a normal person would walk 8-10km in a day, do cycling or run," Modi said.
Fit India Movement is a nation-wide campaign that aims at encouraging people to include physical activity and sports in their everyday lives. The University Grants Commission has directed the universities across the country to prepare for the Fit India Movement. A 28-member committee comprising government officials, members of Indian Olympic Association (IOA), national sports federations, private bodies, and fitness promoters was also constituted to advise the government on the Fit India Movement. The committee under the chairmanship of sports minister Kiren Rijiju has 12 members from the government, including secretaries of Sports, Secondary Education, Ayush, Youth Affairs, among others.
The prime minister congratulated the winners of the national sports awards and lauded India's sporting achievements.
"Be it boxing, badminton, tennis or any sport, our athletes are giving new wings to our aspirations. Their medals are not just a result of their hard work but also a reflection of a new India's confidence," he said.
“Fit India movement”, launched on the occasion of the National Sports Day, aims to encourage people to inculcate physical activity and sports in their everyday lives. PM Modi also administered a fitness pledge on the occasion.
The entire program has been conceptualized by PM Modi, Union Secretary (sports) RS Julaniya told News18. According to him, PM Modi has also given simple tips that can make people healthy in their day-to-day lives.
On the launch of the program, PM Modi launched a “Fitness Logo”. Additionally, he will launch a “Fitness Pledge” that reads, “I promise to myself that I will devote time for physical activity and sports every day and I will encourage my family members and neighbors to be physically fit and make India a fit nation,” the report added.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) asked higher educational institutes to make necessary arrangements to view PM Modi’s address on the launch of the movement. As a part of the fitness pledge, UGC has asked everyone to walk at least 10,000 steps and follow it up in their daily routine.
In his call to celebrate National Sports Day on August 29 with enthusiasm, PM Modi, during his Mann Ki Baat address on August 25, urged people to visit iconic places and travel places related to nature and wildlife.
Fitness has always been an integral part of our culture. But, there is indifference towards fitness issues now. A few decades back, a normal person would walk 8-10km in a day, do cycling or run," Modi said.
Fit India Movement is a nation-wide campaign that aims at encouraging people to include physical activity and sports in their everyday lives. The University Grants Commission has directed the universities across the country to prepare for the Fit India Movement. A 28-member committee comprising government officials, members of Indian Olympic Association (IOA), national sports federations, private bodies, and fitness promoters was also constituted to advise the government on the Fit India Movement. The committee under the chairmanship of sports minister Kiren Rijiju has 12 members from the government, including secretaries of Sports, Secondary Education, Ayush, Youth Affairs, among others.
The prime minister congratulated the winners of the national sports awards and lauded India's sporting achievements.
"Be it boxing, badminton, tennis or any sport, our athletes are giving new wings to our aspirations. Their medals are not just a result of their hard work but also a reflection of a new India's confidence," he said.
“Fit India movement”, launched on the occasion of the National Sports Day, aims to encourage people to inculcate physical activity and sports in their everyday lives. PM Modi also administered a fitness pledge on the occasion.
The entire program has been conceptualized by PM Modi, Union Secretary (sports) RS Julaniya told News18. According to him, PM Modi has also given simple tips that can make people healthy in their day-to-day lives.
On the launch of the program, PM Modi launched a “Fitness Logo”. Additionally, he will launch a “Fitness Pledge” that reads, “I promise to myself that I will devote time for physical activity and sports every day and I will encourage my family members and neighbors to be physically fit and make India a fit nation,” the report added.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) asked higher educational institutes to make necessary arrangements to view PM Modi’s address on the launch of the movement. As a part of the fitness pledge, UGC has asked everyone to walk at least 10,000 steps and follow it up in their daily routine.